Support our mission to defend digital rights and spread the word about mass surveillance programs and other daily privacy invasions. 您可以幫助 Privacy Guides 的研究人員、活動人士和維護者建立資訊豐富的內容、託管私人數位服務,並在世界最需要的時候保護隱私權。
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MAGIC Grants is our fiscal host, and their custom, open-source donation platform allows you to donate to our project with Monero, Bitcoin, or debit/credit card. You can also donate using GitHub Sponsors.
Foundations & Organizations
Thank you to these organizations who significantly support Privacy Guides. (1)
- Please contact to inquire about giving. Privacy Guides reserves the right to rescind the membership of those who are unaligned with our mission or organization at any time. Organizational members have no ability to influence what content is recommended on the Privacy Guides website. Learn more about our donation acceptance policy.
Thank you to these organizations who have substantially supported our project in the past.
- Safing: 2019 – 2021
Active Members
Privacy Guides would not be possible without these individuals who generously donate on a monthly or yearly basis. (1)
- If you become a member and link your donation to your forum account, you're automatically added here with a link to your profile and avatar to show your support for Privacy Guides. If you don't make your membership public on the forum, you'll be a silent +1. You can change your visibility any time. This chart is updated upon each website release.
You can support us and share your passion for privacy by buying our merchandise from HelloTux.
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It takes a lot of people and work to keep Privacy Guides up to date and spread the word about privacy and mass surveillance. If you're looking for other ways to help out, consider getting involved by editing the site, joining our forum, or contributing translations.
What is an organizational membership?
Organizational membership to Privacy Guides is open to any company, private foundation, or organization that donates at least $5,000 per year. While Privacy Guides does not endorse private companies or their products, we're grateful for their contributions. Your donation may be tax-deductible, and we will provide you with a receipt.
You can become an organizational member by reaching out to for more information.
How are organizational members recognized?
Organizational members that choose to be recognized publicly are included in our organizational members section (above), and occasionally at other opportunities where appropriate. Organizational member links include the rel="nofollow"
attribute: We adopted this policy to screen out potential abuse of our program and site to raise the rank of third parties in search algorithms. Unfortunately, this is a growing problem for nonprofits. This was a complex decision since we know many of the sincere supporters behind these companies, but we decided that it was the best choice for us.
Organizational members have no ability to influence what content is recommended on the Privacy Guides website. Learn more about our donation acceptance policy.
What is an active membership?
Your monthly or yearly membership sustains Privacy Guides's services and public activism for privacy and cybersecurity year round. If you become a member, we will recognize your support here on our website, our community forum, and occasionally in other areas like our videos if you choose to make your membership publicly known.
Our membership program is brand new, and we are still exploring other ways that we can share a token of our appreciation with you, while maintaining sustainable and ethical boundaries. Stay tuned!
How does Privacy Guides use donations?
五年多來,Privacy Guides 不斷努力跟上網路安全與隱私權的世界,並推廣隱私權的整體好處。 This is a non-profit, community-driven project that would not be possible without the generous support of all our contributors, in addition to our regularly donating members above.
Your donation go to a dedicated fund within MAGIC Grants, a 501(c)(3) organization and our fiscal host. The funds will only be used for this project specifically.
您可獲得減稅資格。 When you donate to us here with cryptocurrency or card you have the option to receive a receipt from MAGIC Grants for this purpose. If you have questions about other transactions please email
- 薪資
We have journalists, writers, and video creators on payroll to review products and create more educational content on a regular basis. This is a significant expense, and we are only able to create our quantity of content with your support.
- Web Hosting and Infrastructure
Traffic to this website uses hundreds of gigabytes of data per month; we use a variety of service providers to keep up with this traffic.
- 線上服務
我們託管網路服務,以測試和展示我們喜歡和推薦的不同隱私權產品。 其中有些是公開提供給我們的社群使用 (SearXNG、Tor 等),有些則是提供給我們的團隊成員 (電子郵件等)。
- 產品購買
我們偶爾會購買產品和服務,以測試我們的 推薦工具。
Thank you to all those who support our mission! :material-heart:{ .pg-red }
We strictly do not use donations to support political campaigns/candidates or attempt to influence legislation. Earnings will not inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
*[2FA]: 雙重要素驗證 *[ADB]: Android 偵錯橋接器 *[AOSP]: Android 開放原始碼計畫 *[ATA]: 高技術配置 *[攻擊面]: 系統中可能被未授權者存取的入口數量 *[AVB]: Android 驗證啟動 *[cgroups]: 對照組 *[CLI]: 命令列介面 *[CSV]: Comma-Separated Values (以逗號分開數值的文件) *[CVE]: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (常見漏洞和暴露) *[詐欺性設計模式]: 一種欺騙性的設計模式,目的在於欺騙使用者做某件事 *[數位遺產功能]: 數位遺產是指在您去世之後,允許讓其他人存取您資料的功能。 *[DNSSEC]: 網域名稱系統安全擴充套件 *[DNS]: 域名系統 *[DoH]: 基於 HTTPS 的 DNS 服務 (DNS over HTTPS) *[DoQ]: 基於 QUIC 的 DNS 服務 (DNS over QUIC) *[DoH3]: 基於 HTTP/3 的 DNS 服務 (DNS over HTTP/3) *[DoT]: 基於 TLS 的 DNS 服務 (DNS over TLS) *[DPI]: 即:深度封包檢測 (Deep Packet Inspection),是一種用於識別並封鎖具有特定特徵封包的技術 *[E2EE]: 端對端加密 *[ECS]: EDNS 客戶端子網 *[EEA]: 歐洲經濟區 *[entropy]: 衡量某件事物的不可預測程度 *[EOL]: 產品壽命結束 *[Exif]: 可交換影像檔案格式 *[FCM]: Firebase 雲端訊息傳遞 *[FDE]: 完整磁碟加密 *[FIDO]: 快速線上身份驗證 *[FS]: 前向保密 *[分支]: 從現有軟體專案複製再另外分隔出來的新獨立專案 *[GDPR]: 一般資料保護規定 (歐盟) *[GPG]: GNU Privacy Guard (基於 PGP 協定) *[GPS]: 全球定位系統 *[GUI]: 圖形使用者介面 *[GnuPG]: GNU Privacy Guard (基於 PGP 協定) *[HDD]: 傳統硬碟 (又稱機械硬碟) *[HOTP]: 基於 HMAC (雜湊式訊息驗證碼) 的一次性密碼 *[HTTPS]: 安全超文本傳輸協議 *[HTTP]: 超文本傳輸協議 *[hypervisor]: 將 CPU 資源分配給多個操作系統的電腦軟體、韌體或硬體。 *[ICCID]: 集成式迴路卡識別碼 *[IMAP]: 網際網路訊息存取協定 *[IMEI]: 國際行動裝置識別碼 *[IMSI]: 國際移動使用者辨識碼 *[IP]: 網際網路協定 *[IPv4]: 網際網路通訊協定第 4 版 *[IPv6]: 網際網路通訊協定第 6 版 *[ISP]: 網際網路服務提供商 *[ISPs]: 網際網路服務提供商 *[JNI]: Java 原生介面 *[KYC]: 客戶身分審查 *[LLaVA]: Large Language and Vision Assistant (multimodal AI model) *[LLM]: 大型語言模型(AI 模型,例如:ChatGPT) *[LUKS]: Linux 統一金鑰設定 (全磁碟加密) *[MAC]: 媒體存取控制 *[MDAG]: Microsoft Defender 應用程式防護 *[MEID]: 行動裝置識別碼 *[MFA]: 多重要素驗證 *[NVMe]: 非揮發性記憶體控制規範 *[NAT]: 網路位址轉譯 *[NAT-PMP]: NAT 端口映射協定 *[NTP]: 網路時間協定 *[OCI]: 開放容器標準 *[OCSP]: 線上憑證狀態協定 *[OEM]: 原始設備製造商 *[OEMs]: 原始設備製造商 *[open-weights]: An open weights-model is an AI model that anyone can download and use, but for which the underlying training data and/or algorithms are proprietary. *[OS]: 操作系統 *[OTP]: 一次性密碼 *[OTPs]: 一次性密碼 *[OpenPGP]: 優良保密協定 (PGP) 的開放原始碼實作 *[P2P]: 點對點網路 (又稱對等式網路) *[PAM]: Linux 插入式驗證模組 *[POP3]: 郵局協定第 3 版 *[PGP]: 優良保密協定 (見 OpenPGP) *[PII]: 個人識別資訊 *[QNAME]: 限定名稱 *[QUIC]: 以 UDP 為基礎的網路協定,旨在結合 UDP 的速度與 TCP 的可靠性。 *[rate limits]: Rate limits are restrictions that a service imposes on the number of times a user can access their services within a specified period of time. *[滾動式更新]: 頻繁釋出的更新,而非在固定的時間間隔內進行更新。 *[RSS]: 簡易資訊聚合格式 *[SELinux]: 安全增強型 Linux *[SIM]: 使用者身分模組 *[SMS]: 標準文字訊息服務 *[SMTP]: 簡易郵件傳輸通訊協定 *[SNI]: 伺服器名稱指示 *[SSD]: 固態硬碟 *[SSH]: 安全殼層 *[SUID]: 設定擁有者使用者 ID *[SaaS]: 軟體即服務 (雲端軟體) *[SoC]: 系統晶片 *[SSO]: 單一登入 *[system prompt]: 系統級提示詞 (system prompt),是 AI 聊天中人類給予的全局指示,用以指導它應該如何運作。 *[temperature]: AI temperature is a parameter used in AI models to control the level of randomness and creativity in the generated text. *[TCP]: 傳輸控制通訊協定 *[TEE]: 受信任執行環境 *[TLS]: 傳輸層安全性 *[ToS]: 服務條款 *[TOTP]: 基於時間的一次性密碼演算法 *[TPM]: 信賴平台模組 *[U2F]: 通用第二因素 *[UEFI]: 統一可延伸韌體介面 *[UDP]: 用戶資料圖報協議 *[VPN]: 虛擬私人網路 *[VLAN]: 虛擬區域網路 *[VoIP]: 網路電話 (Voice over IP) *[W3C]: 全球資訊網協會 *[XMPP]: 可延伸傳訊與顯示通訊協定 *[PWA]: 漸進式網路應用程式您正在查看 Privacy Guides 的 正體中文 版本,由我們在 Crowdin 上出色的團隊翻譯。如果您發現錯誤,或在此頁面上看到任何未翻譯的部分,請考慮提供幫助! 訪問 Crowdin
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