Privacy Hulpmiddelen
Als je op zoek bent naar een specifieke oplossing voor iets, dan zijn dit de hardware en software tools die wij aanbevelen in verschillende categorieën. Onze aanbevolen privacytools zijn in de eerste plaats gekozen op basis van beveiligingskenmerken, met extra nadruk op gedecentraliseerde en open-source tools. Ze zijn van toepassing op een verscheidenheid aan dreigingsmodellen, variërend van bescherming tegen wereldwijde massasurveillanceprogramma's en het vermijden van grote technologiebedrijven tot het beperken van aanvallen, maar alleen jij kunt bepalen wat het beste werkt voor jouw behoeften.
VPN Providers Password Managers Email Providers Browser Extensions DNS Servers Email Aliasing Services Photo Organization Tools
If you want assistance figuring out the best privacy tools and alternative programs for your needs, start a discussion on our forum or our Matrix community!
Voor meer details over elk project, waarom ze werden gekozen, en extra tips of trucs die we aanbevelen, klik op de "Meer informatie"-link in elke sectie, of klik op de aanbeveling zelf om naar die specifieke sectie van de pagina te gaan.
- Ad-Free Recommendations
- Frequent Updates
- Trusted by Readers
- Complete Editorial Independence
- Open-Source Contributions
- Trusted by Journalists
Private Web Browsers
Tor Browser (Desktop & Android) is the top choice if you need anonymity, as it provides you with access to the Tor network, a group of volunteer-operated servers that allows you to connect for free and improve your privacy and security on the Internet. Individuen en organisaties kunnen ook informatie delen via het Tor-netwerk met ".onion hidden services" zonder hun privacy in gevaar te brengen. Omdat Tor-verkeer moeilijk te blokkeren en te traceren is, is Tor een effectief middel om censuur te omzeilen.
Mullvad Browser
Mullvad Browser is a version of Tor Browser with Tor network integrations removed, aimed at providing Tor Browser's anti-fingerprinting browser technologies to VPN users.
Firefox is a great Chromium alternative which provides strong privacy settings such as Enhanced Tracking Protection, which can help block various types of tracking.
Brave Browser
Brave is a private-by-default browser based on Chromium, so it should feel familiar and have minimal website compatibility issues.
Cromite (Android)
Cromite is a Chromium-based Android browser with built-in ad-blocking and privacy enhancements. It is a fork of the popular, now-discontinued Bromite browser.
Safari (iOS)
We recommend Safari due to its anti-fingerprinting features and default tracker blocking. It also separates your cookies in private browsing mode to prevent tracking between tabs.
Browser Extensions
More Tor Network Tools
Top 3 Private VPN Providers
VPNs do not provide anonymity
Using a VPN will not keep your browsing habits anonymous, nor will it add additional security to non-secure (HTTP) traffic.
If you are looking for anonymity, you should use the Tor Browser.
If you're looking for added security, you should always ensure you're connecting to websites using HTTPS. Een VPN is geen vervanging voor goede beveiligingspraktijken.
Proton VPN
- 112+ Countries
- WireGuard Support
- Cash Payments
- Partial Port Forwarding Support
- No IPv6
- 37+ Countries
- WireGuard Support
- Monero & Cash Payments
- No Port Forwarding
- No IPv6
- 49+ Countries
- WireGuard Support
- Monero & Cash Payments
- No Port Forwarding
- IPv6 Support
Top 3 Private Email Providers
Proton Mail
Proton Mail is an email service with a focus on privacy, encryption, security, and ease of use. They have been in operation since 2013. Proton AG is based in Geneva, Switzerland. The Proton Mail Free plan comes with 500 MB of Mail storage, which you can increase up to 1 GB for free.
- is an email service with a focus on being secure, ad-free, and privately powered by 100% eco-friendly energy. Ze zijn sinds 2014 in bedrijf. is gevestigd in Berlijn, Duitsland. Accounts start with up to 2 GB storage, which can be upgraded as needed.
Tuta (formerly Tutanota) is an email service with a focus on security and privacy through the use of encryption. Tuta has been in operation since 2011 and is based in Hanover, Germany. Free accounts start with 1 GB of storage.
Email Aliasing Services
Self-Hosting Email
Secure Email Clients
More Private Service Providers
Cloud opslag
Data Removal Services
DNS Providers
We recommend a number of encrypted DNS servers based on a variety of criteria, such as Mullvad and Quad9 amongst others. Wij raden je aan onze pagina's over DNS te lezen voordat je een provider kiest. In veel gevallen wordt het gebruik van een alternatieve DNS-provider niet aanbevolen.
Versleutelde DNS-proxy
Zelf gehoste oplossingen
Financiële diensten
Maskerende betalingsdiensten
Online marktplaatsen voor cadeaubonnen
Photo Management
AI Chat
Data and Metadata Redaction
Document Collaboration
Encryptie Software
Operating System Encryption
For encrypting your OS drive, we typically recommend using the encryption tool your operating system provides, whether that is BitLocker on Windows, FileVault on macOS, or LUKS on Linux. These tools are included with the operating system and take advantage of hardware encryption elements such as a secure cryptoprocessor.
Cross-platform Tools
OpenPGP Clients
Bestanden delen en synchroniseren
Health and Wellness Apps
Language Tools
Maps and Navigation Apps
Multi-factor authenticatie Tools
Note: Hardware security keys have been moved to their own category.
Nieuws Aggregators
Office Suites
Wachtwoord managers
Real-Time Communicatie
Security Keys
Mobile Phones
Custom Android Operating Systems
Android Apps
Ways to Obtain Android Apps
Router Firmware
Advanced Tools
These tools may provide utility for certain individuals. They provide functionality which most people do not need to worry about, and often require more in-depth technical knowledge to utilize effectively.
Alternative Networks
Device Integrity Verification
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