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Niek de Wilde

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Niek is a founding team member of Privacy Guides and part of the executive committee. His day-to-day concerns for Privacy Guides entail both research and outreach.

Jonah Aragon Hired as Project Director

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone for Privacy Guides: the addition of our first paid staff member, Jonah Aragon. This achievement is a testament to the unwavering support and generous donations from our incredible community. Another major donation came from Power Up Privacy, a privacy advocacy group that funds privacy-related research and development, which helped us achieve this goal earlier then expected!

Privacy Guides Is Now Multilingual

It's finally here. After countless requests, Privacy Guides now has translations.

People have always asked us for translations to other languages because our team and community produces high quality, reliable, honest, and researched content. Our previous site never had a system for this. All translations were done manually, and translators would quickly lose interest. Translated sites would be outdated and lay unmaintained on domains that we didn't own. Privacy Guides now has a proper system.